Saturday, March 31, 2007

Thanx giving - My blog site and few words about it

Those of you , who have just started blogging or very keen to start must google through the internet and youll be amazed to find very many interesting sites which would motivate you to get started right now!!!.Blogging not only provides you to broadcast your own personal online commentary but also provides you with an oppurtunity for earning money for what you write.Blogs help others who are looking for the specific information which may not be available through commercial or the offical websites.Some of the bloggers take this as full time profession because of the huge monetary benefits as a result of blogging though various online marketing programs like Google Adsense, Amazon Affiliate etc.There is a big industry which have invested heavily into blogging. Blogging through Videos ( has recently started. Based on my initial experiences in developing this site, i would like to thank all these people who have indirectly guided me in this task

  1. Motivation and Ideas : : by Amit Agarwal
  2. Blog Service Provider:
  3. Blog templates : by Thur Broeders
  4. Tips for Money making : by Darren Rowse
  5. Financial management blog : Neville's Financial blog
  6. Label Cloud script for Blog : phydeaux3
  7. Books : Make Easy money with Google by Eric Giguère
  8. Search Engine Optimisation :
  9. Storage Space for files: Googlepages
Iam sure in the near future, many more bloggers and nettizens will definetly help me to take this blog further .Thankyou all once again